forewing|forewings in English


front wing of a four-winged insect

Use "forewing|forewings" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "forewing|forewings" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "forewing|forewings", or refer to the context using the word "forewing|forewings" in the English Dictionary.

1. Adults are mostly white with almost entirely white forewings.

2. Male: The ground colour of the forewings is black.

3. The forewing upperside is similar to Daphnis hypothous.

4. Limenitis Arthemis Arthemis (WHITE ADMIRAL); Forewing 2.9-3.7 cm

5. Beetles' forewings are hardened into sheath like protective coverings called …

6. Generally larger than the Annulet, which also has a less pointed forewing

7. B = Banksian cell (in Chrysopidae); = basal piece of MA in forewing of myrmeleontoids (in Fig

8. The apical half of the forewing is black with a white band.

9. Wings are rounded at the tips, and tiny spines (Aculeae) are present on the forewing.

10. It is the only Kauai Thyrocopa that has a white forewing with conspicuous black spots.

11. The length of the forewings is about 15.5 mm Species page at Tree of Life project

12. Males are less colorful, with smaller eyespots and much reduced orange areas on the upper forewings.

13. The presence of an adventitious distal abscissa in the forewing venation of honey bees is recorded.

14. It is similar to Eumorpha anchemolus, but the forewing is shorter, broader with an even outer margin.

15. The Cinnabar is slate-black with two red spots and two pinky-red stripes on the rounded forewings

16. It is similar to Protambulyx astygonus but there is a distinct discal spot on the forewing upperside.

17. The Valkyrie is a Canard aircraft, equipped with a forewing to prevent the plane from stalling in the air

18. The Bogbean Buckmoth is a medium to large-sized moth with forewings about 26 to 36 millimetres long

19. The adult Armyworm is a pale brown moth with a white dot in the center of each forewing

20. Long bristles on the forewings are synapomorphic with the Chaetopterygini, but female genitalic structure suggests affinity with the Limnephilini.

21. It is similar to Mapsidius auspicata, but is larger and the black marks on the forewings are more distinct and angulated.

22. Cricket definition is - any of a family (Gryllidae) of leaping orthopteran insects noted for the chirping notes produced by the male by rubbing together specially modified parts of the forewings

23. (noun) The Anthocoridae are nearly related to the Cimicidae, but the wings are usually well developed and the forewing possesses cuneus and embolium as well as Corium …

24. The Armyworm moth, approximately an inch long with a 1 ½ inch wingspan, is tan to light brown, with a tiny white spot centered on each forewing.

25. The only British Burnet moth with six red spots on each forewing, although care must be taken with identification, as in some cases the outermost spots can be fused